Clinical Case

4 Upper anterior crowns with Amber Mill
  • Date : 2021.01.08

HASS Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

HASSthetics Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

HASS Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

HASS Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

HASS Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

HASS Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

HASS Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

HASS Lithium Disilicate Amber Mill

@hasscorp.aesthetics ▷

 4 Upper anterior crowns with Amber Mill 

New Frontier of Lithium Disilicate-Based CAD/CAM Blocks & Disks[NLD] Amber Mill

*Courtesy of Dr. CDT. Andrew Smagin

 Full text of  CDT. Andrew Smagin (@zubnoi_master_pnz)  


Amber Mill A2

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